In recognition of outstanding accomplishments and contribution to school, community, and mankind. #WGTigerProud

Sergeant Reams has dedicated over 26 years of service to the United States Air Force as a SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) specialist. He began his career in 1993 and has risen through the ranks while serving in various locations across the U.S. and around the world.
Key Highlights and Accolades:
- Responsible for overseeing 37 active duty SERE specialists supporting 16,000 aircrew members
- Developed an 8-hour SERE training briefing adopted Air Force-wide during COVID-19 disruptions
- Lead rescue planner for the evacuation of over 124,000 civilians from Afghanistan in 2021
- Led a 6-year effort to publish groundbreaking global rescue guidance, streamlining multiple guidelines
- 10-time annual award winner, including 2017 Air Force SERE Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year
- Traveled on 287 temporary duty assignments across 43 states and 20 countries
- Trained or briefed over 25,000 U.S. Armed Forces members and partners
Despite his remarkable career achievements, Sergeant Reams considers his most important accomplishments to be his family ties as one of five siblings to graduate from Waynesfield-Goshen, along with being a devoted husband and father to his wife and two children.
Sergeant Reams' excellent character, meritorious service, and commitment to his country make him a deserving recipient of Waynesfield-Goshen's 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award.

Leonard “Jim” Sproul was born on December 8, 1912, the 7th of 10 children – 5 boys and 5 girls. He grew up on a farm about 3 miles northeast of Waynesfield. He started school at Sugar Grove, which was a one room schoolhouse at the corner of Gant Road and Buckland Holden Road.
During his time in school, Jim wasn’t allowed to participate in extracurricular activities. He was required to complete responsibilities around the family farm such as milking the cows, tending to the other livestock and working the horses and plows for the purpose of grain farming. Jim was a very selfless person and didn’t want his younger siblings to miss out on extracurricular opportunities, so upon graduation, he took on the chores of his siblings, which allowed them to participate in activities such as sports, class officer positions and theater productions.
In late 1939, World War II began. About two years later, on December 7th, 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred, which began the involvement of the United States in the World War. Jim decided to enlist in the US Army and was initially stationed in Greenland. Jim wrote many letters to his family during his time in the Army. The letters beckoned back to his love of language arts in school and were well-written. One of those letters featured a brief history of Greenland that was later cited in a local newspaper article.
On March 14, 1945, Jim’s regiment continued fighting their way into Germany. They ran into heavy resistance and Jim went missing. The fighting was so fierce and heavy that no one could confirm when Jim went missing and even if they could, they wouldn’t have been able to stop to provide aid. Several days later, when the fighting let up, they were able to retrace their steps and find Jim. Leonard W. Sproul, better known as Jim, was Killed In Action on March 14, 1945.
Jim represented Waynesfield with pride and made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. We are proud to recognize Leonard W. “Jim” Sproul as our 2023 distinguished alumni.

Mr. Ron Pepple graduated from Waynesfield-Goshen School in 1965. After graduation, he attended Bowling Green State University, receiving his Bachelor’s degree in Music Education. Later on, Mr. Pepple served in the Air Force as a 1st Lieutenant, Supplies Management Officer and Management and Procedures Officer for the 42nd Supply Squadron, managing 140 soldiers.
Ron’s next adventure would lead him to teaching instrumental music at Benjamin Logan Middle School. He took the junior high band numbers from 37 to 150 students and was invited to perform at the National Middle School Conference in Columbus.
In the fall of 1976, Mr. Pepple would go on to become the K-8 Principal at Upper Scioto Valley Schools, followed by the Director of Staff Development for the Hardin County Educational Service Center, Assistant Superintendent of Benjamin Logan Schools, Superintendent of the Auglaize County Educational Service Center, Clerk/Treasurer for the Village of Waynesfield and Wayne Township.
Ron has since retired from education and took an interest in being a member of the Wayne-Goshen Area Community Foundation, the Wapakoneta Community Foundation, Waynesfield Lions Club and Wayne Township Zoning Commission. He also has enjoyed tending to the family farm, being a regular attendee of the Waynesfield United Methodist Church and has played a huge role in the Wayne-Goshen Historical Society.
Waynesfield-Goshen School is proud to congratulate Ron, along with his wife Marcia, three children and grandchildren as the 2022 Distinguished Alumni.

Mr. Tom Bodell graduated from Waynesfield in 1948. Tom was on the football and basketball teams, serving as captain of the football team his senior year. He was also active in band, chorus and drama club in high school.
Mr. Bodell started his long career as a printing professional at Yale Brothers Printing in Waynesfield in 1947 and continued until 1996. Mr. Bodell also owned his own job printing shop in Wapakoneta from 1962 to 1975 and then was the manager of all printing services for the Copeland Corporation from 1977 to 1996. He also worked part-time for the McAuely Funeral Home for over 30 years.
Tom served on Village Council and was a member of the Wayne Township Fire Department for over 50 years, serving as Chief of the Department for 11 years. He was also a member of the Waynesfield Lions Club, worked as a stadium usher at The Ohio State University and was on a committee when the Ohio Hi-Point Vocational School was first being formed.
Mr. Bodell shared that the course of his life changed while on a baseball excursion train trip to a Cleveland Indians game...where he met his future wife Pat Miller, from Gomer. Now, they have been happily married for 67 years! They have six children who were all WG graduates as well.

Mr. Chuck Truesdale was a member of the Class of 1957. During Mr. Truesdale's early high school days, Mrs. Jackson discovered that he could sing! She then guided him on his way to a major interest in music.
In 1959 Mr. Truesdale enlisted in the United States Air Force. He was stationed in Texas, Colorado and Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. He became a supervisory expert on the bombing/navigation system in the B52 heavy bomber. During this time, he flew a number of missions over the jungles of Vietnam.
He worked for IBM and continued to pursue his love for music. Chuck received his Master's from the University of Cincinnati.
He married Ruth Barns in 1957 and spent 59 wonderful years sharing their music with many others. They had two children who also both have an interest in music! Chuck and Ruth had the privilege of singing at the Cincinnati Mayor's Prayer Breakfast two years in a row and at Johnny Bench's sister's wedding! Although Ruth passed away in 2017, Chuck still sings and can hardly keep up with the concert requests!
Chuck moved back to Waynesfield and is married to Sharon Guider Roof. He enjoys restoring marbles and most recently, his 1964 1/2 Mustang Convertible.

Douglas Paul Reinhart has distinguished himself and our community, serving as the Auglaize County Engineer for 37 years. Doug holds a Professional Surveyor and professional Engineering License, one of only 800 in the state of Ohio. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He has also served as Assistant Auglaize County Engineer prior to becoming the County Engineer.
Over the years, Doug has earned respect from the voters, his community and his professional colleagues. He is known for his efficient, honest and straight forward approach within his professional and personal life. He has served as President of the County Engineers Association of Ohio and earned the awards of national Rural County Engineer of the Year and Ohio County Engineer of the Year.
He has also served as the Chairman and Board Trustee Member at the OSU Lima Campus, former President of the Wapakoneta Athletic Boosters, Lions Club member and a member and trustee of the Waynesfield United Methodist Church.
Doug and his wife, Trudy, have two sons Luke and Matt, both professionals and living in the Columbus area. They also have been blessed with four grandchildren.
Doug and Trudy model their civic leadership, spirituality, humor and compassion in all they do. They are both phenomenal role models.
Waynesfield-Goshen is proud to honor Douglas Reinhart as the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Recipient.

Our Distinguished Alumni Inductee for 2019, the valedictorian of the class of 1960, Dr. Melanie Sproul Kennedy.
Dr. Kennedy earned her Bachelors of Science degree from the Ohio Northern University with distinction and her doctorate from the Ohio State University, College of Medicine. She was affiliated with many hospitals in the Columbus area including the James Cancer Hospital and Research Institute and the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. In addition to her practice and research, Dr. Kennedy was a professor with the Ohio State University Graduate School for over 30 years (in the Department of Pathology and School of Allied Medicine) and is Professor Emeritus in the division of Transfusion Medicine. Over the years she provided leadership for 21 University Committees and 24 Professional Associations, too numerous to list. However, as president or chairperson of many it was clear that she was greatly respected by her peers. Honors include Outstanding Scientist of the Year, Superior Achievement Award, and Faculty Teaching Award. Over her career she conducted 15 major research projects and has had 53 articles published in Professional Journals.
This just touches on her many accomplishments, earning an MD…the practice of medicine, serving on boards, publishing, teaching at the graduate level, and many service above self-activities…too many to share today.
Dr. Kennedy is the oldest child of Jim and Clellah Sproul. Her brother Terry lives in Knoxville Tennessee, and her sister Genelle lives in Pickerington and here with us today.
Her father owned the Welding and Ornamental Iron Business in New Hampshire.
Melanie has one daughter, Melita, and twin grandsons that live in Southern California. Her son-in-law, Colin, is from South Africa and she had the opportunity to travel to Africa with them. She has been to many countries.
To share a little of her life growing up here, she lived in the ancient log house on the hill just east of the Sproul Pond on Fairmont Road until she was 6 years old…she started 1st grade in Waynesfield. When their house was finished in NH she went to the Goshen Township School, with Mrs. Kitty Conrad the rest of first grade and second grade…a great person wonderful teacher. Mrs. Conrad also was the leader of a children’s worship service at the NH Nazarene, playing the piano and leading the children in songs and prayer…all the children loved her, so caring and positive.
When young she learned about Christianity and wanted to be a missionary in Africa.
She was told as an adult she looked around the classroom a lot, out the windows, was shy, and couldn’t see the blackboard and had to get glasses. She attended at Goshen through 8th grade…her 7th/8th grade teacher recognized she had ability and began giving her extra things to do. She loved the New Hampshire school cooks who made the best cherry cobbler.
Then to HS and made friends with Vicki Sproul and Sue Red; Dr. Kennedy remembers going to basketball games and to the roller rink at the lake. She was very nearsighted and was teased, called 4 eyes and pop bottle glasses. Her senior year she very happy when her parents took her to be fitted with contacts.
Her HS physics/chemistry teacher talked with her about what she wanted to pursue as a career. She replied “I’m thinking about being a nurse”. He replied “You are smart enough to be a doctor” She said OK and that was it. Dr. Kennedy took a heavy load of pre-med courses at Ohio Northern University, commuting each day, and completed in three years. Her mother was her cheerleader and coach during her days at ONU.
At medical school at OSU as she went through her classes, clinics, internship, and residency; things changed some for her, as she married her late husband and a year later they had a child.
Dr. Kennedy may not have made it to Africa as a missionary, but she has done “others before self” work as a doctor over her entire lifetime.”

Frank Kaufman was born on a small farm in Waynesfield, OH to Mabel and Guy Kaufman on June 6, 1929, their first son and third of nine children. He attended Waynesfield School graduating with the class of 1947 on May 23 while participating in many different activities. He was elected co-editor of the Annual Staff and also vice president of his class his junior year. He took part in his class’s junior play as the “stuttering freshman” along with good friends Lyman Turner and Clarence Schwartz. He lettered in both Future Farmers of America and as a forward for the High School Basketball team. He joined the newly reinstated football team at Waynesfield his last year of school. He was an active member of the Ohio 4-H Club of Auglaize County and later became an advisor after graduation. While attending Waynesfield Schools, Frank also helped with the family farm and worked for Russell Fetter running a hay baler and ditching machine at his farm. After graduating, he worked for Howell Hardware selling Case tractors and eventually was hired at Superior Coach in Lima, OH. In January of 1951, approximately 3 and a half years after graduating Frank was drafted into the United States Military. He reported for basic training in Fort Knox, Kentucky that June. While there, he took The Leadership Course achieving a grade of excellence and completed his basic training in July of 1951 as a Private First Class with the 8th Calvary Regiment, 1st Calvary Division. Ironically peace talks with North Korea began the 10th of that very same month. Frank was transferred to North Korea and assigned to the 8th Calvary Regiment, C Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Calvary Division. Three months later, on October 16th, while attacking hill positions held by the enemy in the Chorwon Area of North Korea Frank was killed by enemy artillery shell fragmentation. 10 days later, on a Friday evening Mabel and Guy Kaufman were notified their son had been killed in combat. Dr. David Nielson, the local physician, accompanied the officers to deliver the news and attend to the family. In February of 1952, three months after his death, Frank’s body was returned home. Frank is buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Lima, OH beside his parents Mabel and Guy Kaufman. At his death he left behind both parents, 4 brothers, 4 sisters, and his girlfriend, Glenna Mary Hoover of Harrod, OH. Frank was a decorated solider having been awarded the Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Presidential Unit Citation, and Republic of Korea War Service Medal all posthumously. After the Korean War a memorial was constructed, it has this inscription on it “Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”

Our Distinguished Alumni Inductee for 2017, a member of the class of 1972, is Judge Fred Pepple. When in school Judge Pepple was named to Boys State, selected to play in many musicals and honor’s bands; was in National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and involved in many other activities. In his nomination letter Mr. Bob Case, nominator, states that Judge Pepple was instrumental in obtaining the White Memorial Library for the benefit of Waynesfield and the community; he outlines service to W-G and community; and exemplary leadership in profession and education. Judge Pepple was also very helpful with the start-up of the Wayne Township EMS Department, as a bond writer. Mr. Case shared that Judge Pepple graduated from BGSU at age 21, majoring in business administration and graduated from ONU Petitt College of Law and sat for the Ohio Bar Exam at age 23. By age 26 Judge Pepple was the youngest elected county prosecuting attorney in Ohio and in 1986 was the youngest elected Common Pleas Court Judge at age 32. Judge Pepple has served on the bench for the past 31 years…criminal, civil, and domestic relations divisions. Judge Pepple has taught as an adjunct or visiting professor at BGSU (teaching Business law and Management for Criminal Justice majors) and at the University of Muenster, Germany…actually was teaching US Constitutional Law and US criminal procedures in Germany the week of graduation and had to rearrange travel plans. Judge Pepple is the Chair of the Ohio Criminal Justice Committee, appointed by the Ohio General Assembly in 2015 and currently working to propose a new Ohio Criminal Code. This just touches on many accomplishments…serving on boards, publishing, and other service above self-activities…too many to share. Judge Pepple was widowed in 2006, wife Diane Inbody Pepple (taught music at USV for 30 years), has three children, Julia, Allison, and Doug and married his wife Kathryn Cox Pepple in 2009. Judge Pepple is the third of four children of Joe and Agnes Pepple… brothers are Ron, a longtime leader in education, Bill, of the Pepple and Waggoner law firm, and younger sister Karen is a teacher in St Marys.

A graduate of Waynesfield Goshen in 1963, Robert P. Case attended The Ohio State University Lima Campus and became one of the first student senators. After two years he transferred to the Ohio Northern University majoring in Education. Upon completing his degree he was drafted to fight in the Vietnam war. Robert Completed basic training at Ft. Dix, graduated from officer training school in Ft. Benning, and then received tank platoon commander training at Ft. Knox. His chemistry and math scores in college caused him to be initiated into a small secret group called The National Chemical, Biological, and Radiation Team. Before being deployed in Vietnam he attended Ranger Jungle School at Ft. Sherman in Panama where he graduated as a jungle expert and recon team leader. He served both the military and the FBI until he was 58 years old. During his military career Robert was awarded several medals including the National Defense Service Medal, the Jungle Expert Patch, the Vietnam Service Medal with two stars, the Combat Air Medal, the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, and the Combat Infantry Badge.

Russell was originally from Shawnee and moved to Waynesfield in 1955. Wilcox is remembered as a friendly person, always willing to greet new students at school. "He always had a smile on his face" Russell's mother's friend Ellen mentioned. Always outgoing, Wilcox would set up a big screen in downtown Waynesfield for the town to enjoy a walk-in theater. After his Graduation in 1965, Russell Wilcox became a Marine. He fought in Vietnam for the country we call home and on his second tour his squad was ambushed on their way back from looking for booby traps on highway 1. Marine Corporal Russell Wilcox was tragically killed by a grenade on January 18, 1968; He was just 21 when he died.

Sonny was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, where he was an infantry squad leader. His awards include a Purple Heart, three Army Commendation medals, two Army Achievement medals, two Army Good Conduct medals, the National Defense Service Medal, three Afghanistan Campaign medals, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, the Army Service Ribbon, three Overseas Ribbons, the NATO Medal, the Combat Infantry Badge, and the Air Assault Badge.
Sonny was remembered by the teachers who knew him as a good kid who was also a little ornery. He did his work and was a natural leader with a big heart. He paid the ultimate sacrifice to the country he loved and his name will live on in the curriculum module taught during our Veterans day activities.

Dwight's focus has always and continues to be on the students that he has taught and continues to work with. He has won the Kiwanian of the Year for his leadership in Logan County Education as well as the Mary Rutan Hospital Meritorious Service Award. the Top of Ohio Pilots Association recognized Dwight for organizing the "Classroom in the Sky" program which afforded over 4,000 8th and 9th grade students the experience of flying in a small plane over a 30 year time period.

David Dixon is a 1962 graduate of Waynesfield-Goshen High School. He received his bachelor's degree in in psychology at The Ohio State University in 1966 and master's degree at the University of Colorado and then his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He taught for 2 years at the University of British Columbia and then 14 years at the University of Nebraska before moving to Indiana and accepting a position as Chair and Full Professor at Ball State University. While as Ball State he Chaired the Counseling Psychology Department and the Department of Educational Studies. Dr. Dixon is a distinguished psychologist nationally and internationally and was chosen a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society, a distinction less than 5% of doctoral-level psychologists receive. Dr. Dixon's greatest pride is his family. He and his wife Felicia have a son and 2 daughters. They reside in Selma, Indiana but still own the family farm north of Waynesfield where his family spends time every year.

Ben is a 1969 graduate of Waynesfield-Goshen High School that was heavily involved in music and track during his high school career. In 1973, he completed his studies at Yale University in 3.5 years and returned home to marry his high school sweetheart Bonnie. After receiving a Juris-Doctorate degree from Ohio Northern University in Ada he began practicing law. His area of expertise evolved into the practice of agricultural law. Over the next 30 years he became nationally recognized as an expert in dairy law, regulations, and policies; being admitted to practice in Ohio, New Mexico, Texas, and the Supreme Court. He has litigated cases in federal and state courts around the country and also serves as a lobbyist in Congress for both large and small farms. He now serves as general counsel for the Select Milk Producers family of dairy companies, which he helped form.

Justin Debord is a 1989 graduate of Waynesfield-Goshen School. He attended the Ohio State University, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting. Upon graduation in 1993, he was commissioned an Ensign in the Supply Corps through the Reserve Officer Training Corps and graduated with distinction from the Navy Supply Chain Management from the Eli Broad School of Management at Michigan State University in May 2005. Commander Debord earned qualifications as a Naval Aviation Supply Officer and Submarine Supply Corps Officer. His tours afloat began with a tour as Supply Officer for the nuclear powered attack submarine USS L. MENDEL RIVERS (SSN-686) from April 1995 to August 1998. From June 2000 to June 2002 he served as Stock Control Officer and Principal Assistant for Services in the aircraft carrier USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69). Assignments ashore include Navy Acquisition and Contracting Officer Intern, Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Norfolk, VA; Assist. Supply Officer, Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA; and Fleet Operational Logistics Officer for Commander U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI. Commander Debord's military decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal (five awards), the Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Air Force Achievement Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal (three awards), and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Medal.

Edee Marshall is a 1970 graduate of Waynesfield-Goshen Schools. She got her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education at the Ohio State University in 1973 and her Masters in Elementary Administration from the University of Dayton in 1979. She began her career in teaching in 1974. She taught elementary students at Wapakoneta City Schools until 1994. Waynesfield-Goshen Schools was then fortunate to get her to fill the position as Elementary Principal until her retirement on December 2008. Edee Marhshall is highly respected in the community, Auglaize County and the region as an educator and person. Edee and husband Karl have also been recognized as "Friends of W-G Schools" recipients.

Dale Shade graduated from Waynesfield High School in 1936 and went on to earn an engineering degree. After working at Rockwell in Kenton, Ohio for 21 years he joined the Air Force where he served for 3 years. His job was to do photo reconnaissance of sites after they were bombed. The planes he flew had no guns or armor--he relied mainly on speed. Shade was the only survivor of his 24 man squadron and was awarded 6 air medals, 1 distinguished flying cross and a Croix de Gaerr (French Cross of War). Shade once had to bail from a test flight over England due to his plane catching on fire.
JOE R. PEPPLE - 2007

Joe Pepple is a 1943 graduate of Waynesfield High School. After graduation he began his career in agriculture as a tenant farmer. His operation eventually grew to include dairy, hogs, chickens, grain, and hay production. In order to expand his agricultural business, he worked additional jobs in manufacturing at the Ohio Steel Foundry, Neon Sign Products, Ford Motor Company, a millwright at the Standard Oil Refinery, a warehouseman at Super Foods, and a carpenter with several housing projects in Lima. While building his farming operation he entered public life as a Wayne Township Trustee. Later, he was elected Township Clerk and eventually President during his last term in office. Joe has loyally served his community over his 77 years.

Donald loved science from an early age. He built his own lab as a boy as well as his own batch of nitroglycerine, which later exploded. Emerick had several patients under his name and is remembered for his development of microencapsulation. Some paint products carried this development with the infusion of rust inhibitors into primers used by the steel construction and aviation industry. In the medical community, the first application was the use of time-release pain relievers. After leaving his job at the National Cash Register Company he accepted a position at the United States Department of Defense at Monsanto Mound Laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio. He worked there for more than a decade in highly classified research. Emerick would never discuss details of this work. He was greatly concerned for his safety, fearing the Russians were after his work. Upon his retirement, Donald became a chemical research consultant, traveling world wide. Six months prior to his death, he traveled to France and England with his consultant's work. Donald passed away in September 2005 shortly after discovering that he had liver cancer.
DR. JEROD M. RONE - 2005

Dr. Rone graduated from Waynesfield-Goshen in 1983 and is board certified in pediatrics and neonatal-perinatal care and by the National Board of Medical Examiners. He Completed his fellowship in nepnatology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Prior to joining Dayton Children's Dr. Rone served as a member of the clinical faculty in neonatology and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's. In addition, he was the director of the Fort Hamilton-Hughes Hospital Specialty Care Nursery.

Dr. Donald E. Sanders is a well known and accomplished Veterinarian. He received his degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Ohio State University in 1968 and in 1981 a Diplomate from the American College of Theriogenology. He and his wife Dr. Judy Sanders have a practice in Urbana, Ohio. They built a unique, award winning vet hospital which is the largest private animal hospital in Ohio. Dr. Sander is a well-known speaker in his industry and has given many scientific presentations to numerous professional societies spanning North America. Dr. Sanders has published five books and fifty-one scientific articles in accredited journals.

Salutatorian of the class of 1944, Ethan was recommended by a teacher to take a test to become a Naval Pilot as WWII was taking place. He passed all the tests with flying colors but was turned down due to health reasons. Not letting this bring him down, Ethan took and passed the tests needed to become a Navy physician. After two years of service, Ethan was discharged due to the resolution of WWII. Ethan worked to pay his tuition and he graduated from John Carroll University in 1948 with a Bachelor of Science Degree with a math major. He then enrolled at Kent State for graduate work in Speech Pathology. He completed training there in 2 years. Ethan would later receive the Waynesfield-Goshen Employees Service Award in May of 1986 and would then retire later that year due to health complications. Ethan loved to teach and serve others.

Byron graduated Waynesfield High School in 1934 and is recognized throughout the region as a man that loves to serve. He is best know for his involvement in the following organizations, clubs, and institutions: Lima State Hospital (35 years); the Ohio State Patrol Auxiliary, Lima Patrol Post (25 years); United States Coast Guard (4 years), Optimist International (Lifetime member); VFW Post 4353 of Pine Island, Florida(Life member since 1973); American Society for Industrial Security (1 year), Waynesfield Masonic Lodge #569 (Over 50 years), and several youth activities in the community including the Bicycle Rodeo Day.

Larry graduated Waynesfield High School in 1957 and is remembered as a dedicated teacher, a productive coach, and an enthusiastic principal. Larry coached Junior High Football, Track, Basketball; Freshman Basketball; High School Baseball, Football (as assistant coach), Softball, and Girls Basketball. He has won District Coach over the year (1981), 4 NCC Championships, 6 Sectional Championships, 2 District Championships, 1 regional Runner-Up, and 1 State championship. Wilcox also committed 30 Years of service to Marion Pleasant Local Schools where he taught World and American History, Government, and Sociology. He was also a member of administration during that time as a Junior High Principal, High School Assistant Principal, High School Principal, and Athletic Director.

In high school, Russell was a top student and the center on the basketball team. He was offered scholarship opportunities but turned them down. in 1942 he was shipped to Europe on the Queen Mary as a United State Army draftee. He served in London in 1943, 1944, then in Paris from 1944-1945. Russell served as an MP and guarded generals including General Eisenhower during the planning for D-day at Stanwell Place. For this service he received a letter of commendation signed by Major Robert L. Hayes and Col. E.G. Buhrmaster. After this time an an MP, he served in the combat infantry. For his years of service he has received American Campaign, European-African-Middle-Eastern campaign and good conduct medals.

Eleanor enlisted in the WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots during World War II. There were less than 1000 women in this service. They took the same training as the men. She Flew the same planes (B-26 included). There are books written about the WASP (some fictional, some true). Eleanor traveled extensively and lived on the island of Guam for 25 years and was a successful business woman there.

After graduating from Waynesfield, Arda joined the CCC and worked in Idaho. He enlisted in the army in 1940 as a medic where he reached the rank of Sergeant. He was stationed in the Philippines and was captured as part of the allied forces that surrendered after the battle of Corregidor. He endured the Bataan Death March and spent the rest of the war as a POW. His resourcefulness and intelligence and pure grit held many of his unit together through impossible times. He was killed at the Japanese camp of Fukuoka, Japan, in the Spring of 1945, just months prior to the end of the war.

Clifford Attended Ohio Northern University in Ada where he lettered 3 years on football and 4 years in track before he graduated in 1961. After graduation, he taught high school math and coached football, cross-country, track and field in Brunswick, Ohio from 1961-1964. He later moved to Maine in 1964 and received a master's degree in education from the University of Maine in 1967. He continued to teach math and coach cross-country, track and field, and football in Orono, Maine for 30 years. The cross-country team he coached there won a state championship and one runner-up while the track team won 9 state championships and 6 runner-ups.
Clifford also served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Belize, Central America with his family from 1973-1975.
After 36 years in education he retired from full-time teaching in 1997 and now teaches college algebra in the fall semesters at Husson College in Bangor, Maine.

Class of 1976, Barbara Ewing is a graduate of Wooster College and the University of Georgia (where she earned her Ph.D. in Pharmacy). She has worked at ZENECA Pharmaceuticals since 1990 and has been promoted to Director. Her work there includes the management and development of approximately 40 scientific staff (Ph.D., MS, and BS level scientists and the departmental budget. She also ensures that regulatory standards are met for the department. She's published 3 publications to major scientific journals and 5 presentations in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Jason Manchester graduated Waynesfield High School in 1957 and is also a graduate of The Ohio State University where he earned his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry. He is the co-author of Experiments in General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry and Understanding Chemistry in the Laboratory. He later received the Bronze Award for Philatelic Literature and Research (Bronze-Nadel Fur Verdienste um Forschung und Literature) from The Federation of German Philatelist (Bund deutscher Philatelisten e. V.)

Dr. Karol Bailey is a nationally recognized expert in interpersonal communications. With 25 years experience working with individuals and organizations in a wide variety of settings on a broad range of communication issues, Dr. Bailey is especially skilled at identifying and facilitating practical solutions to complex problems. Dr. Bailey is a California board-licensed psychologist and is Vice President of Client Services for the McGuire Group, an international career consulting company based in Torrance, California. Dr. Bailey previously held positions as Director of Counseling Services at the University of California, Riverside, and as Vice President of Marketing and is a Success Training Institute certified career strategist. Dr. Bailey is a graduate of the University of California Management Institute and holds certification through the Graduate School of Marketing at the University of Illinois, Chicago. With Bachelor's and Master's degrees (both Summa Cum Laude) from Ohio University, Karol Bailey achieved her doctorate in counseling psychology on full fellowship from The Ohio State University. She achieved inclusion in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.

Class of 1960, John was Class President and President of the National Honor Society during both his Junior and Senior years at Waynesfield-Goshen High School. He went on to earn his B.S. in Education at The Ohio State University. after graduation, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the United States Army as an Air Defense Artillery officer then an Executive Officer of a missile fire direction center for the Nike Hercules air defense system protecting the New York/Philadelphia areas. After his service he began his career in Human Resources. His most recognised role was the one he played at St. Ann’s Hospital in Columbus. Accepting the position of Director of Human Resources, John has hired during a time of financial losses and employee unrest. After only one year, the hospital was again profitable and employee relations had been stabilized. John was eventually promoted to Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and helped to improve the hospital's standings by increasing annual savings while improving the quality of care. In 1995, St. Ann’s was acquired by the Holy Cross Health System and John accepted a position in June of the same year with the Doctors Hospital System of Columbus in a similar capacity as the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer responsible for both its 200-bed Doctors Hospital North and 170-bed Doctors Hospital West facilities.

After graduating from Waynesfield High School in 1955, Robert attended Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio majoring in physics, mathematics and German and graduated in 1959. He was later awarded a National Science Foundation grant to get a master’s degree that he used to graduate from Cornell University in 1965. Robert went on to be nationally recognized in physics, earning rewards such as: Mid-Hudson Physics Teachers Association Ten Year Service Award (1978), The Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) Outstanding Teacher Award (1980), the Long Island University Presidential Award for outstanding contributions to science education in the New York Metropolitan area (1984), the American Association of Physics Teachers Distinguished Service Citation (1987), Suffern High School’s Teacher of the Year Award (1990), named a National Tandy Technology Scholar (1992), Merrill Presidential Scholar Award (1992).

Graduating in 1958, Jimmy Lynne was an outstanding student and basketball player during his highschool years. After graduation he attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio for one year, during which he received notice of a Congressional appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. He graduated from the academy in 1963 becoming the first such graduate from Waynesfield. Jimmy was chosen for flight training and received his designation of Naval Aviator in 1964. he flew over 150 missions and received the following medals and distinctions: Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with Nine Gold Stars, Navy Commendation Medals (3), and Honorary Member - Vietnamese Air Force. After his service he joined the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in 1971. MAF used light planes to serve in mission activities in the more remote parts of the world. It involved more than 100 aircrafts operating in over 20 developing nations in Africa, Asia, and South America. During his service in MAF, Jimmy and his family accepted an assignment in Irian Jaya, formerly New Guinea, and served one of the most primitive societies still in existence on this earth. In 1979 Jimmy’s plane developed mechanical problems and crashed in the jungle, killing him instantly. Jimmy Lynne was a model of unselfishness and dedication to service to his fellow man. He deeply loved his family, and reached out with real concern to others.

Herman graduated from Wayne High School in 1923 and then attended Ohio Northern University for three years before transferring to Ohio University. He earned an A.B. degree in Physics in 1927 and became a lab assistant at Wesleyan University in Connecticut for a year. He then decided to change interests to Psychology. In 1929 he earned a Master’s degree in Psychology from The Ohio State University. He was then given assistantships for three years at Ohio State. The next ten years were spent teaching at the University of Tennessee, Temple University in Philadelphia, Iowa State, and Ohio State. In 1939 Herman decided to go back to Ohio State to work on a Doctor’s degree. This was completed in 1942. From there he and his family moved to New York city where he worked for the War Department creating tests for Military Occupational Specialties.

Class of 1943, Joe Sproul is a graduate from Ohio Northern University who would go on to teach young people for over 40 years. At almost every teaching position he had, Joe was both a teacher and a coach. He began teaching in Waynesfield in 1956. Throughout his 11 years here he was a teacher, coach, guidance counselor, principal. He and Mr. Fell were greatly involved in the same state inspection that caused Buckland and Cridersville to consolidate with Wapakoneta. When Mr. Fell took ill, Joe stepped in and took on the role of both principal and superintendent, it kept him away from the family he cared for dearly but he did so without complaint. Joe was a dedicated teacher, father, and husband.

Jo Ann was always active in extracurricular activities at Waynesfield-Goshen High School and planned to be present for her 30th year class reunion. She attended The Ohio State University and Florida State University. When Jo Ann was 47 she was diagnosed with cancer. However, some of her closest friends remember her as not being brought down by her illness. “She was the absolute illustrative point of carpe diem - seize the day” Sally Karioth, friend of Jo Ann for 10 years and grief therapist said. Everyone around her marveled at how well she took the news of her illness. Van Meter, the first woman in the History of TPD to be promoted to captain, blazed a trail of firsts. Her career in law enforcement began in 1971, when she worked as a security investigator in Ohio. In 1974, she moved to Florida and was hired by the Collier County Sheriff’s Department. Her career at TPD began in 1981, when she was hired as a reserve officer. Over the next 11 years, work worked in almost division. As a newly promoted sergeant, she organized the department’s first sex-crimes unit. she continued to move up through the ranks and in 1991, she became the first woman in the history of the department to be promoted to captain. At the time of her death, Van Meter was a commander of the Technical Services division, which includes records, communications, ID, and property.

Herman Blank, class of 1942 was a member of the Waynesfield United Methodist Church, a Sunday School Teacher, a former Sunday School Superintendent, he served as the chairman of the Church Board, was former chairman of the Church Board of Trustees, served as Co-Chairman of the building committee when the new church was built and the present parsonage was purchased. He also served as Treasurer of the Church for a period of time. He was a member of Wayne Grange, and a member of Wayne Masonic Lodge #569. He served as Treasurer of the Lodge for 13 years. He served as the Grand Lodge District Grand Master for Hancock, Hardin, Allen, and Auglaize Counties. He was a former member of the Wayne-Township Volunteer Fire Department. He served as Treasurer of the Waynesfield-Goshen School District for 33 years.

E. Benjamin Yale was Valedictorian in the class of 1934 and later became president of Waynesfield-Goshen PTA and the Waynesfield-Goshen Board of Education. He was the editor of Waynesfield Chronicle and a former Co-owner and founder of Yale Brothers, Inc. He was Vice President of the Auglaize Council on Aging a Boy Scout leader, Member of a Masonic Lodge, Member of an American Legion, and served 4 years in the Army Air Force where he served overseas.

Winona Winegardner graduated from Waynesfield-Goshen High School in 1924 and went on to graduate from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She has been in education for 47 years, 33 of which were at Waynesfield-Goshen Schools. Winona was an officer of the Auglaize County Education Association and held officer positions in the Waynesfield PTA. She even held offices and worked on all committees of the Alumni Association for over 50 years.
*** If you are able to supply us with a picture for one of the missing biography photos, please email Mr. Shaw @ brian.shaw@wgschools.org. Or call the school and select extension #19 to speak with Mr. Shaw.