Fall Season Coach Spotlight. Next up, Coach Searson! Coach Searson and the W-G volleyball teams season is already underway. Coach Searson and her team have a home game tonight. Come and support our Tigers! Goodluck the rest of this season, Coach Searson!
Mrs. Barrington's MS Science classes worked on developing teamwork and communication skills by stacking cups only using a rubber band and string.
Lady Tigers in action tonight against Delphos Jefferson!
School Picture Day will be TOMORROW! Please remember, DO NOT WEAR GREEN!
Senior Athlete Spotlight - Tatelyn Faraglia. Best of luck this season, Tatelyn !
Good luck to our golfers as they compete at the NWCC match today.
Our Kindergarten students had "jitter juice" and a snack on their first day last week in hopes to get their first day jitters out!
Please see below !
Pre-Season Coach Spotlight. Next up, Coach Crates! Coach Crates and the W-G cheerleaders have their season opener tonight at home against Mississinawa Valley. Please come out and cheer loud and proud to support our Tigers! Goodluck this season, Coach Crates!
W-G's 2nd grade was able to walk to the library on the 3rd day of school! What a beautiful day to walk to the library!
Pre-Season Coach Spotlight. First up, Coach Sommers! Coach Sommers and the W-G football team have their season opener tomorrow night at home against Mississinawa Valley. Please come out and support our Tigers! Goodluck this season, Coach Sommers!
School Picture Day will be Tuesday , August 27th. Please remember, DO NOT WEAR GREEN!
The HS FB team is looking for 2 people who would be interested in filming the games on Friday nights. If you're interested please reach out to AD Nathan Swaney at nathan.swaney@wgschools.org
Drake Copeland earned 1st place for the BEST Individual Mechanics Exhibit at the FFA Shop & Crop Show at the 2024 Auglaize County Fair. He scored highest in combined points for his exhibits, which consisted of Tractor Restoration, Pub Table, Shop Stool, Cornhole Boards, Wall Sign & Coasters. Congratulations Drake!
Remember - tonight is the night & your teachers are eager to meet you all! This will also be the last time to pick up your schedules if you haven't already done so before the first day of school next week. Additional information listed below for kindergarten & preschool students!
Please mark your calendars!
Students in grades 6-12, please see the information below for your schedules for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see Mrs. Andrews in the High School Office for these!
The tiger paw tradition continues!!
Our 2025 seniors painted their tiger paws over the weekend. Goodluck to all of our senior athletes as they finish out one last year here at W-G!
Go Tigers!
4 hours, 27 houses, 43 tiger paws later - a successful fundraiser to raise Tiger Spirit! The cheerleaders want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Spencer for donuts & milk! Thank you Sherwin Williams on Market Street for donating paint for us to use. Thank you Becky Green for providing snacks & a huge thank you to everyone who purchased or donated. If there's enough interest we will open this back up for more orders in September!
Let's Go Tigers!
JH Cheer practice will begin tomorrow morning from 10-12pm at the track by the FB field! For any questions reach out to Coach Sneary.