The 2nd Grade took a field trip to The Maize at Little Darby Creek. They got to choose their own pumpkins, learn about a farm, and take a trip through the corn maize!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Mrs. Kinstle's 7th Grade Life Skills Class learning how to sew with buttons!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Senior Athlete Spotlight - Grant Breitigam. Best of luck this season, Grant !
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
The yearbook staff has already begun and would love for you to purchase one of the 24-25 yearbooks! They have a goal to sell 200 yearbooks this year! Let's make it happen!!!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Our very own W-G Marching Band attended the Bradford Pumpkin Show earlier this week!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Please see below!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Did Mrs. McKinney’s preschoolers cry over their hands on button activities inspired by Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons…Goodness No! They kept on sorting, counting, and reading with their buttons and it was “All Good!”
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
OUR YEARBOOK STAFF HAS EXTRAS FROM LAST YEAR'S YEARBOOK! If you're looking for a yearbook from a year prior to last year, please reach out. We have extras for $20 and WOULD LOVE to sell to you! We have 12 copies of 2022-2023, 6 copies of 2021-2022, 1 of 2020, 2 of 2019!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
The yearbook staff has already begun and would love for you to purchase one of the 24-25 yearbooks! They have a goal to sell 200 yearbooks this year! Let's make it happen!!!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Reminder that the Pink Out Shirt Orders are due this Sunday at Midnight! Please help us PINK OUT the crowd on Oct. 18th. Click the link to order.
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Senior Athlete Spotlight - Gage Steinke. Best of luck this season, Gage !
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
W-G's 3rd Grade took trip to Marmon Valley Farm earlier this week to learn about Pioneer living. They learned to make candles, made a candle holder out of wood and helped make Johnny cakes.
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Miss Presar's freshman science students completed a lab where they made chocolate fudge. They practiced what they have learned about scientific notation and conversions to figure out the amount of each ingredient needed. At the end of the lab, they got to taste their results.
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Senior Spotlight - Drake Copeland. Best of luck this season, Drake !
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
The yearbook staff has already begun and would love for you to purchase one of the 24-25 yearbooks! They have a goal to sell 200 yearbooks this year! Let's make it happen!!!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
One last call !
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Happy Homecoming Day to all of our high school students!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Tonight's Homecoming festivities are being moved INSIDE to the HS Gym. Ceremony will begin at 6:30 sharp
4 months ago, Nathan Swaney
That's a wrap! Homecoming Spirit Week ended today with the traditional blue and gold day! Thank you to Coach Crates and the high school cheerleaders for putting on another fantastic week for all of the students and staff here at W-G!
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger
Senior Athlete Spotlight - Layden Porter. Best of luck this season, Layden !
4 months ago, Sydney Buffenbarger